Monday, 26 April 2010

MyFatPocket interview

Hey ya'll

I recently did a short interview with MyFatPocket (MFP)
MyFatPocket is a beauty and lifestyle website

MyFatPocket is the holistic integration to a modern woman’s complete life of beauty from head to toe. We are the bible of every independent woman because we keep it real and personal.

April for MyFatPocket is "Japan" month
featuring various different things about Japan from makeup to fashion to designers.
and they decided to feature me as part of the "Japan" theme Beauty Interview

So BIG thank you to MFP for this feature~~

Interview with Ferlyn Yoshimi

by Bianca Zen

Ferlyn “Yoshimi” Tan is a very well-spoken lady who is very japanese centric. Along with being a professional blogger, Ferlyn is also one of the owner of Cosafe. As a Majolica Majorca's ambassador, Ferlyn Yoshimi is always well-groomed and dressed in her best at any given time and day. She fancies long nail art fingernails and used to live in Japan. If there is anyone in Singapore who adores japanese style, make-up and fashion, she is one not to be missed!


Check out the full interview here:



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