Sunday, 2 September 2012

singapore in the summer

Hey guys

i'm back in Singapore for a bit this summer and its nice to see all my friends and family.
spending quality time hanging out with loved ones is better than any gift anyone can give ( i think)

got back just in time for Natsu Matsuri
met a ton of my Japanese friends in Singapore and they're all grown up now (tears in my eyes)
i remember them as little 14, 15 year olds and now they're all 18.

Shiori, me, Miki, Yu

especially happy to see Miki again~ haven seen her in at least 2 years.
we've been friends for 7years now. (damn.. time flies)

i'm back only for a few days and daddy brought me to so many yummy places for nom noms.
had Bejing (peking) duck the other day. *Droolssssss*

summer seemed to fly by so quickly, it feels like yesterday was the last day of finals and here i am a few days away from the beginning of another semester.
with that being said, i am excited to head back to Tokyo on monday and start the new semester with my fam in school~

oh and i CANNOT WAIT for Autumn~ i love Summer but enough with the heat already! bring on the cool weather!

Ferlyn Yoshimi